Jerry Brotton – Four Points of the Compass: The Unexpected History of Direction

Where are we?!?

Why deep South but far North?

Why do some maps orient East or South, but never West?

When did direction change from being where things came from to where we were going?

Is the North Pole a real place?

Who gave the cardinal directions their familiar one-syllable names? (It was Charlemagne – it’s always Charlemagne.)

How do we know which way is which?

Jerry Brotton’s delightful new book asks and answers such questions on every page.

Jerry is a Professor at Queen Mary University in London, so Tim went to compare notes on what it means to be a northerner living in the south.

Jerry Brotton – Allen Lane – £20.00


About Johnny Mindlin

Johnny Mindlin, the producer, spent 10 years in high-end speech radio, producing book programmes, entertainment / review shows and politics/discussion shows. Tim Haigh is a radio presenter and broadcaster and books reviewer. He also writes for national papers on books and literature.
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